My First Blog Post! πŸ“

My First Blog Post!πŸ“

I'm 19 years of age and I live live life as it comes. I figured it shouldn’t be, because somehow what you plan for always comes true most especially when you believe in it. When I was much younger, I’d write little stories (fictions) and combine characters in it as well as draw these characters in the little book I carried everywhere… At this stage, I should have known that I found comfort in writing but I didn’t think it was a thing because I lived life as it came and somehow I let it go. Moving on, people would always say “you talk too much” I came to believe this and I started to think that I’d make a great presenter. Oh yes, I’d make a great presenter because you are what you believe inπŸ’š As time went on, I began to see that I could actually do the talking but I could express myself a lot more in writing. Now, this is a “thing”. When I realized I expressed myself and my interest in writing better, I then thought to create a blog but I wasn’t convinced at the time… “MY EXPRESS“. The name came from the sole interest I had at that instance and also from the encouragement I got from Mum ❤️ and my role model • Michelle DedeπŸ’š Before I created the blog on this date which marks the launch of my blog(05/01/21), I had to deal with low self esteem and no confidence from my edge when I saw people my age writing and I thought I couldn’t match up to their potential, that’s how my Mum and Michelle Dede came in. I’m really grateful to them for all of the support they showed me. This blog is born out of Passion, Confidence, Confirmation and Purpose. I’m making this priority. I’d be writing and sharing content on ~Art ~Lifestyle~Fiction/Movies ~Food and ~Relationships. I’m really looking forward to impacting someone, somehow someway. Be my guest as I take you round a tour on My Express!


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