When should you cry?

Pre note: I had already gotten half way in this particular write-up when I came across a tweet made by some guy on how he thinks that women who cry during their period are "pussies", in his words. I'm not sure if that was a coincidence but it'd be addressed. I guess when you want something, the universe works in your favour. This is my bread being buttered with his statement verbatim.
    " The red flag I can never tolerate in a woman is if she cries during her period. It's jus stomach ache ffs, go drink salt and 7up or somn". 

   •A conversation between myself and another party.
Me: tears taste like salt
Other party: why are you tasting your tears?
Me: It was flowing too much and was uncontrollable, I had to.
Other party: what's making you cry? Hard girls don't cry, be strong.
Me: (repeating after her) "Hard girls don't cry" but I'm not a hard girl, I'm me.
Other party: then you're weak.
Me: Gbam! Wahala for who be hard girl.
                                                           The end!

      Isn't it interesting. So since when did crying make someone weak? What's the relation between these two? I don't and can't see it. I reckon with a number of people who ascribe tears to being "weak" and I've never understood the concept. Explain your thought process, walk me through why you think crying is not enough. No matter what explanations, I know what i know and as a matter of fact, Its okay to cry.
     Crying (to shed tears) is a verb. 
It's an action that enables you to be strong for you, just you. Also, it's a natural response to a range number of emotions. It's 'cause you're experiencing more emotions than usual, therefore, it shouldn't be suppressed.
    I use the term "cry" at least twice everyday in a week gathering from my texts and tweets combined. *How resourceful*☺️. When you cry, you feel a lot better, so why hoard your tears if it lightens the burden in your heart just so you don't seem weak or simply care about what other's would say? A particular saying goes "whatever is good for your soul, do it". If it's good for your soul, why not make a stream. Feel free to.
    I too have made mistakes by holding my tears to feel strong even though it was choking. Now, crying isn't a choice for me but a lifestyle and I'm not ashamed of it.
    Please understand that it's not okay to call anyone a "weakling" first off and it's even worse when you deprive them of the one best or possible means for them to feel relaxed at the time. Not that it's just selfish, it's also dumb, insensitive and shows your lack of empathy.
      So when should you cry?
 πŸ˜­ It's okay to cry when you feel pain
 πŸ˜­ It's okay to cry when those movies move your soul and you're all emush 
 πŸ˜­ It's okay to cry when you lose someone 
 πŸ˜­ It's okay to cry when you're down, tired and frustrated.
 πŸ˜­ It's okay to cry when you're hurt: if it happens that you're in a public space and the tears drop, cry the cry. Let them insult you, *In Bobrisky's voice* Nobody ever die of insort.
 πŸ˜­ Its okay to cry when you're rejected: it helps you pick up your life where it's at and start again and this time to even push harder.
 πŸ˜­ It's okay to cry when your trust is broken or you're betrayed: now, you know better and won't repeat the same mistakes.
 πŸ˜­ It's okay to cry when you're happy and joyful
 πŸ˜­ It's okay to cry when you're cramping: do not listen to what anyone has to say about handling your feminity. If you're a woman you're strong already 🧚🏽‍♀️
   •Its okay for men and women to cry, irrespective of the situation. Crying is not gender based. 
      You're allowed to feel, breathe and move on. Nobody's view on how to escape reality should deter you from choosing your own way to lighten your burden and as a matter of fact, jettison whoever says you're weak because you cry. Be you and be real! Whatever ways you choose to grief, it's yours to discover but for sanity purposes, don't suffocate yourself trying to hold your tears as you'd stress your body and the negative mood would definitely increase. 
   Truth is depending on the situation, the pain or anguish might still linger but you'd be calm. So please cry today! It's soothes pain and promotes a sense of wellbeing. 
  Note: y'all thanks for being here again. I love love love you a lot. Don't forget to drop a comment and share, it'd be appreciated ✨
          Love, Sayo.


  1. This is very nice, and this write-up just made my day

  2. I cry a whole lot as in a lot, crying for me relieves stress and it's also very therapeutic. Has helped me a lot! So good to see someone who feels the same. Beautiful piece Dami P!! Your fan always❤

  3. So beautiful❤. Keep it up baby

  4. People who cry are perfectly in touch with their emotions. Only a weak person would say that a person who cries is weak. It’s actually quite ironic. Nobody is really strong, it’s a societal construct instilled on each person, especially boys/men. Humans are fragile beings and that okay.. crying is okay. I actually feel bad for someone who sees crying as a weakness. I hope they find peace with themselves and not project their insecurities on others. Some of them just need a hug and lots of love lol

  5. A hug and lots of love πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  6. This was really lovely to read♥️πŸ₯°. Thank you for letting me know it's okay to cry

  7. No truer saying than this Beautiful pieceπŸ’œ. It's perfectly okay to cry, even Jesus wept.

  8. I'm so happy you were able to address this issue. It was becoming a topic of concern. Huge thumbs up dear 😁🀸

  9. Aww this got me all mushy. It's okay to cry guys❤️

  10. Hugs and kisses 😘


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